What are the rarest pets in pet simulator X?

Pet Simulator X (Pet Sim X) is the 3rd game in the Pet Simulator versions. In this article we will discuss the value of the rarest pets the pet simulator X. This is a cute and addictive game that features a beautiful and colorful world. You’ll find that many fun activities are waiting for you as you play. Every pet in this game is NOT charming. Some of them are even dangerous. For a player, the cuteness of a pet is not the most important thing. Most pets are rare; that’s why they’re so valuable. So if you happen to have a rare pet, don’t let anyone steal it away from you. Other factors also play a role in raising the value of your pet. You need to know which factors are the most important to help determine the worth of your pet.

the rarest pets the pet simulator X
The rarest pets the pet simulator X

This list has 5 rarest Pets in Pet Sims X. Most of these pets are no longer available in today’s version because they were only released for a limited time. If you love playing Pet Simulator X, you’ll be glad to know that the list of rare pets grows with each update released by Big Games. The worth of a pet can change drastically overnight. In addition, as a Pet Simulator X enthusiast, you should also know that the list of rare pets grows with each update. The value of a pet can also fluctuate dramatically in a matter of hours. Here are the most up-to-date values.

1: Storm Wolf – The rarest pets in the pet simulator X

Storm Wolf is one of the three pet animals of Pet Simulator X. There are three new pets that were introduced as part of the Alien update of the Pet Sims X, and those are Storm Dragon, Storm Axolotl, and the Storm wolf. You can purchase the pet at the exclusive store for 5,500 Robux. The pet was a glitch from the start. It was only available for a limited period, and a few glitches were found soon after the pet was released. It’s gotten harder and harder to find a non-glitched and non-duped version of this pet. This was the first pet to have three enchantments and over one million power.

Released Date:November 2021
Estimated worth:175,000,000,000
How to obtain:Only available to purchase at the exclusive store

2: Golden Huge Forest Wyvern – The rarest pets in the pet simulator X

The Glitch Update in January 2022 was released a new kind of pet: the Big Forest Wyvern. The three variants were available: normal, golden, and rainbow. The golden variant was the rarest. There is no version of the rainbow that is rarer than the regular rainbow; however, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a special rainbow version for your friends or kids

If you’re looking to splurge, you should get an egg for this pet. You can only buy it for a limited time in the exclusive shop. One egg costs $800 in Roblox. The hatch rate is 2%. The other pets that could have been hatched from this egg were the Keyboard Cat, Nature Dragon, and Wicked Dragon. It was the second large pet, released alongside other non-large exclusives. If you’ve played Pet Simulator X before, then this pet is just as good or even better. It is actually a huge version of the Exclusive Pet Nature Dragon Pet.

 Released Date:January 2022
 Estimated worth:4,000,000,000,000 diamonds
 How to obtain:Only available to purchase by an exclusive pet egg.

3: Hippo Melon – The rarest pets in the pet simulator X

PetSim X Pet Hippo Melon was one of the April Fool updates in 2022. This is a special, limited-time pet that’s only available on April Fool’s Day. To get this pet players must complete three quests. Next, they needed to type “April Fools” in the chat. In the next step, they needed to trade three pets for a different player without receiving anything.

In the final step, you were to fuse three Elf pets to obtain Hippo Melon. After the release of the pet, BIG Game got a lot of criticism from the fans on the Discord server, as well as many on Reddit When the first step was completed, the player didn’t get the pet. Hippo Melon is the first exclusive pet in the game, available only through the fusion system.

Rarity:Very rare
 Released Date: April Fool’s Day 2022
 Estimated worth: 1,500,000,000 diamonds
 How to obtain: This rare pet could be obtained by completing three quests

4: Huge Easter Cat – The rarest pets in the pet simulator X

A huge Easter Cat was released during the 2021 Easter Event. This huge variant of the Easter Bunny was available for a limited period and could be obtained by hatching a Legendary Easter Egg. The event has four Easter Eggs: the Blue Egg, the Purple Egg, the Green Egg, and the Yellow Egg. You have to hatch a Legendary Easter Egg for this variant to be obtainable. The appearance of the pet was similar to the Giant Dog, but it had rabbit ears and a bowtie. Huge Easter Cat is the rarest Huge Pet in the game and is sure to sell very well if he releases it again.

 Rarity:Extremely rare
 Released Date:Easter 2022
 Estimated worth:5,000,000,000,000 diamonds (Normal), 8,000,000,000,000 diamonds (Golden), 5,500,000,000,000 diamonds (Rainbow)
 How to obtain:This is no longer obtainable, and could be hatched from an egg

5: Rainbow Huge Pumpkin Cat – The rarest pets in the pet simulator X

The Rainbow Huge Pumpkin Cat is one of the scarcest pets in the whole Pet Simulator X and is very gorgeous pet. Huge Pumpkin Cat is an exclusive pet released in the Halloween update in the year 2021. There are 3 types of pets, Normal, Gold, and Rainbow. The biggest one is rare. It’s the lowest hatch rate in the entire game, so the Huge Pumpkin Cat is the rarest pet you can get from this event. Players have been required to unlock the Halloween World for over 30 years. When they were out Trick-Or-Treating, they would sometimes receive candy bars in return for obtaining eggs. In 2017, around 1000 Huge Pumpkin Cats could ever be hatched, and 18 were of the Rainbow variety. Huge Pumpkin Cat was special because it was the first exclusive pet that was hatchable from an egg, could be upgraded, and had a random enchant. 

 Rarity:Extremely rare
 Released Date:Halloween 2021
 Estimated worth:6,300,000,000,000 diamonds
 How to obtain:This is no longer obtainable, and could be hatched from an egg

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